Wednesday 13 January 2010


This may appear blunt, but this is what I feel God wants to tell you.

Forgiveness is not forgetting what happened, it's just letting go of the other person's throat...

allowing God to deal with them.
God has righteous anger, as in He KNOWS eaxctly what people deserve.
We do not have the right to decide that because someone has made us suffer, we must make them suffer to.
That is GOD's right.
It leaves the burden off of us, and we are free from the suffering they have caused us.
Unforgiveness can cause your own sickness, and pain as it creates a hold over you. If you hang onto it, it wil hang onto you.

So forgive, and let God take your burden.

Wednesday 6 January 2010

He's in a whisper, yeah.

I can feel this God song rising up in me. <-- single-handedly the best song line ever.

This is because it gives me faith that God is going to save the person this reminds me of.
Not by power, not by might, but my my Spirit says the Lord.
That was what came to me at last night's p&p meeting, repeatedly until Keith asked for an interpretation of his speaking in tongues, when I felt prompted to share this line of the song.
Not sure of whether it was what he was expecting to hear, it seemed a little short, but that was what I kept getting.

It's times when I don't seem to hear from God that this happens. It's like God's saying "whoops! careful there, you almost slipped over but I've got you, keep going :)" Including the smile at the end! Because He's happy to have me, and I'm happy to have Him!

Also before I left for p&p, I was on my facebook homepage with no other tabs or programs open, when the whole of Bluetree's song Life's Noise played on and off until the end of the song. This confused me slightly, but the song goes:

We'll drown out life's noise with the praises of His name,
We'll drown out life's noise with the praises of His name,
God's noise is breaking through the airwaves,
it's breaking through, it's breaking through.

He wasn't in the fire,
He wasn't in the 'quake,
He wasn't in the wind,
He's in a whisper, yeah.

This comes from the passage on 1 Kings where Elijah is waiting to hear from God. He stands expectant of some huge display, a booming voice, from an old man with a white beard.
This is what he gets:

The LORD said, "Go out and stand on the mountain in the prescence of the LORD, for the LORD is about to pass by."
Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart, and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind.
After the wind, there was an earthquake. But the LORD was not in the earthquake.
After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire.
And after the fire came a gentle whisper.
When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.
And so it goes on...

Elijah knew it was God speaking to Him. All these other things he could have expected God to speak through, loud and clear, except in his heart he knew it wasn't God. He knew it was God at the gentle whisper. During none of these things did Elijah venture out of the cave in expectance of meeting God, only once there was a gentle whisper. He recognised the voice of God.

Although you may not always hear Him talking to you, he's in a gentle whisper. You are not supposed to hear a shouting voice in your ears shouting instructions. God works in a more sensitive way than that. No human, excluding a really exceptional person with meticulous self-control skills, would take kindly to being screamed at. God knows that, because He knows us so He speaks to us in a way we can understand. Heart beats, a funny tummy feeling, a thought which we feel prompted to share.

If you can't find God, you can't hear Him, then you're looking in the wrong place.
Maybe you're looking in an earthquake, or a fire, or a mighty wind, or you're looking for these things to show you God is there.
But you're looking in the wrong place.
Have open ears and listen for a gentle whisper, a thought from God. You will recognise is, just as Elijah did. You can't see a gentle whisper, so don't be looking for things to happen. Be listening with an open heart and open ears.
