Thursday 17 September 2009

God is... POTASSIUM!

There's so many different qualities that God has and is... but I reckon that one they forgot to mention is "God is... POTASSIUM!"

Let's go into the science a little bit here.

Ok so basically, I'm not an expert but at school we store potassium in oil so that it cant react with the oxygen or moisture in the air. By keeping it sealed we are stopping it becoming anything more than a solid lump of metal which has the potential to do so much more!

Imagine that the jar is our hearts and Jesus (the potassium) is in our hearts. He has the potential to do so much, but only if we bring the potassium out of the oil. The oil conceals and blocks the power of the potassium coming through. Imagine theres a blockage or a worry or something, an oil in your heart. It is stopping Jesus shining through. This needs to be removed in the name of Jesus and the potassium set free.

However, although the potassium is potentially explosive, it needs a little water to get it going. You have to supply your own water or ask God to do this for you. Prepare the way beforehand, and you will get a perfect explosion just the impact that Jesus wanted.

The more potassium, the more explosive!
i.e. (if you haven't figured it out for yourself yet...) The more Jesus, the more impact and explosion!!

When potassium sets alight its flame as it reacts in the water (the persons life) it is a beautiful pinky/ purpley colour - and God is so beautiful!

So remove any blockages or walls you have built up in your heart (the oil)
Set up the foundation or let God have already prepared someone's heart (the water)
and see some explosions in their life! Effortless with the beauty of God, yet creating such an impact!

So remember... God is... POTASSIUM!

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