Wednesday 11 November 2009

A situation to learn from.

A situation today to learn from.

Someone doesn't fit in... so we laugh.
Someone tries to then fit in by being like us... and we laugh at them.

How can we laugh because they are different,
yet when they become the same as us we laugh at them because they aren't being themselves.

I'll tell you now, we're all hypocrites. Me too, and I'm not afraid to admit it.

Maybe we should take a good look at ourselves before we begin to judge others.

Whether you're a Christian or not, Jesus was perfect, He never did anything wrong - yet he sat and ate with the outcasts and didn't judge them.

How is it your place to judge what is good and bad when there are faults in yourself? It is only someone who is perfect who can judge people, and that is God. And the time for this will come, so why don't you take some time off and stop worrying about what other people are doing for once?

This girl, who you all make fun of... you don't know her. You pretend not to be interested in her because noone likes her, but you make a big deal out of something she changes about herself.

Stop judging others, and take a long, hard look in the mirror.

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