Sunday 4 April 2010

Is it any wonder...?

I did wonder if God was going to give me an Easter message to share, and I did wonder if it would actually be on Easter Sunday, but it looks as though He has!

Firstly, I feel the need to explain something. Jesus came as a man, lived 30-something years, got flogged until his back was ripped apart, and on the brink of death he dragged himself up that hill, an African man carrying his cross for him as he was too weak, and then he died on a cross, nails though his hands, and a hole in his side where he had been speared, for you.

Christians always tell you he did it to "save you from your sins". Well I'm sorry but I disagree.
Sin is not wrong-doing, a single action. It is not an evil action. It is a barrier we have between us and God. Back in the Garden of Eden, at the beginning of humanity, Adam and Eve sinned. We all know the story, I'm not going to go over it, but we all descended from Adam and Eve. They are our great-great-great-great ... etc. grandparents, so sin is inside our DNA whether we have physically done anything wrong or not. Sin is also thinking wrong of people, or doing things you shouldn't. The Bible tells you about these so I won't go into detail.

Secondly, being a good person does not mean you are not a sinner. As I said above, it is in our DNA. In archery (to my knowledge, whether this is true now, or just in the past) the word "sin" is shouted when the arrow falls short of the target. Our "sin" is us falling short of the target of God. If God is perfect then it isn't possible not to fall short of the target! Therefore we are all sinners.

Finally, just because we were sinners does not mean we are evil. Sin misses the mark, evil doesn't even aim at the target. But nethertheless we need that extra distance to reach the target, and that is where Jesus comes in. He bridges that gap, and therefore we reach the target through him :)

Happy Easter! xx

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