Friday 7 May 2010

We will shout for your glory

I love serving people. I'm still learning, but then again isn't everyone?
But I know that I of all people need to learn to do so more than I am doing already.
I need to not say things when it is really not necessary to say them - mainly things about people or to people that are forming a negative opinion. I need to get one thing clear, to you but also to myself - putting negative thoughts into words is just putting power behind them. And power behind them forms opinions in my own head and other people's heads that are negative, non-beneficial, and probably not true. God sees everyone in a good light, He chooses to see them at their best rather than pointing out their worst. I seriously need to remember to do this! That's what it's all about. I wonder if I saw some of the things people are going through, would I have the same opinion of them? Well, I know this is true. I have a story about this - ask me about it :)

I would recommened listening to these songs to get a deeper understanding of what I'm babbling on about ;)
Firstly, Beautiful Stranger by Rebecca St James
and With Everything by Hillsong

1 Samuel 12:24 - But be sure to fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you.


  1. Please message me your story? :)

  2. Basically I know some people who are only doing things to get noticed as themselves in church, rather than achieving something for God. They enjoy what they do but they haven't realised it isn't a competition, and there's a time for everything, like for me, I'm not supposed to excel in guitar yet, I don't think that's what God wants me to do yet, although I'm not going to give up :)
